The blog will now be switched over from use for the Switzerland Trip to a personal blog of various things... usually just whatever. I will start this new portion of the blog with introducing my new motorcycle... Moe.
The bike is a 1979 Yamaha XS650. I bought the bike off of a guy, Jonathan, in Boise for two grand. The bike has been stretched, in the swing arm, a few inches and as well as some other custom work. Jonathan didn't know a lot about the bike since he bough it from the guy that actually did the custom work on it. He did say that he would try and get me the guy's name and contact info so I could ask him my questions. Other than the swing arm being lengthened, the bike has a custom solo seat, custom spike accents, and a custom bobbed rear fender. Jonathan did have a box of original parts that came with it which include the original chrome, or stainless steel, fender both front and rear and I am toying with putting the both back on since I like the bright work!
Here are some pictures of the bike from the ad on

The bike is named Moe. I have loved the Three Stooges since before I can remember and since my 1953 GMC panel truck is named Curly, it felt that this bike was deserving of the title "Moe." I will try and get some custom plates for him as well!